Not my bike of choice for winter riding but without a doubt she is embodying the spirit of the season. I think if we all make a new years resolution to look this stylish while...
In San Francisco
This fully loaded touring bike with rider was spotted in alamo square park in San Francisco. She started in Oregon and plans on riding to Baja...
Cool photo I scoped over at You Go Girl, a pretty awesome blog showing women on bikes without objectifying them. This photo comes...
Cyclocross Babe
Awesome photo captured out on the cyclocross track on a pretty muddy day. This cyclist, I believe, is...
NYC Bike Babe
Peeped this bike babe over on Preferred Mode, a site run by photographer and avid cyclist Sam...
Bike babe of the week goes to this girl, who shows that you got to ride to the end no matter what.
First off, I love this bike. It looks real comfortable and is super stylish- a perfect city bike. Second, I love the outfit and its juxtaposition with the bike. It's cool to see someone...
I chose this girl purely for the badass look of determination she has to whoop the ass of whoever is across from her. Each time I look at the picture, I get a little closer to pissing my...
Track Stand with No Hands
She's pulling off the track stand with no hands on the fixie. Now that's a bike babe!
Cool Bike
Something I enjoy even more than seeing new bikes and gear is seeing the set-up people ride on daily. A lot of the time these are more personalized and...
Love to see a single family on the same bike. When I've travelled to different countries, such as China and Vietnam, seeing a sight like this isn't rare at all. It's almost as frequent as...
Granny Getting It
Had to include this in the blog. Not exactly sure what the flyer is for, but the picture is awesome. Grannies get it on the steel horse too!
Peugeot Ad
I'm loving this old Peugeot ad because of how ridiculous it seems today. It seems unimaginable that someone could ride that little clunker bike...
Cyclocross Babe
This woman seems pretty awesome shredding it on the cyclocross trail. Bike seems pretty rad too. I like the color a lot and it seems to be...
Nothing is wrong with this picture, other than the fact that the back edge of the surfboard on the right side of the picture may belong to her man, or a sasquatch.
Commuter Bike Babe
Living in the city, sometimes you find a gem like this: a babe hauling ass through the city in her work clothes.
Most people view...
Crys Amador
This picture reminds me that any attractive person on a bike can also kick ass at riding it. This is Crys Amador, a sponsored rider for All-City...
European Bicycle Babe (Dutch?)
This is the girl you think you're going to meet when you study abroad, but then you realize European guys are way taller and more...
Classy Babe on a Bike
Wow, for some reason I love this picture. I think it's because there are so many unknowns. Could have been taken in 1977,...