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fortran library reference manual

Sign in here. Please consider upgrading to the latest version of your browser by clicking one of the following links. This manual is not a Fortran or programming tutorial. It also describes the effects of allocation and deallocation. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice. Fortran 95 language features. It contains information on languageAll Rights Reserved. A.2 Deleted Language Features in Fortran 95. A.3 Obsolescent Language Features in Fortran 95 B.2 The ENCODE and DECODE Statements. B.3 FIND Statement. B.4 Alternative Syntax for the PARAMETER Statement. B.5 VIRTUAL Statement. B.6 Alternative Syntax for Octal and Hexadecimal Constants. B.7 Alternative Syntax for a Record Specifier. B.8 Alternative Syntax for the DELETE Statement. B.9 Alternative Form for Namelist External Records. B.10 The DIGITAL Fortran POINTER Statement. B.11 Record Structures B.11.1.2 Substructure Declarations. B.11.1.3 Union Declarations B.11.3 References to Record Fields. B.11.4 Aggregate Assignment D.2 Model for Real Data. D.3 Model for Bit Data E.2 QuickWin Routines (WNT, W95). E.3 Graphics Routines (WNT, W95). E.4 Dialog Routines (WNT, W95). E.5 National Language Support Routines (WNT, W95). E.6 Miscellaneous Run-Time Routines (WNT, W95). E.7 DFCOM Routines (WNT, W95). E.8 DFAUTO Routines (WNT, W95) G.2 High Performance Fortran Language Extensions B-1 Memory Map of Structure APPOINTMENT. C-1 Graphic Representation of the ASCII Character Set.

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C-2 Graphic Representation of the DEC Multinational Extension to the ASCII Character Set E-1 Summary of Portability Routines (WNT, W95). E-2 Summary of Quickwin Routines (WNT, W95). E-3 Summary of Graphics Routines (WNT, W95). E-4 Summary of Dialog Routines (WNT, W95). E-5 Summary of NLS Routines (WNT, W95). E-6 Summary of Miscellaneous Run-Time Routines (WNT, W95). E-7 Summary of DFCOM Routines (WNT, W95). E-8 Summary of DFAUTO Routines (WNT, W95). This introductory section provides background information as well as information about storage conventions that you will need to know in order to use the Sun Performance Library. This reference manual contains a chapter for each of the seven standard libraries (FFTPACK and VFFTPACK are combined in one chapter) implemented in the Sun Performance Library; each chapter describes the subprograms for that library. To help in locating subprogram descriptions, the table of contents lists all the subprograms descriptively by function and appendix A lists all the subprograms alphabetically by name. Sun Performance Library subprograms achieve their speed by taking advantage of specific features of the hardware and software with which they are run. Some subprograms achieve additional speedup by using more than one CPU on MP systems. Your program must be compiled and linked with -dalign and linked with -lsunperf. Your system administrator may have moved this file from its default location.The shared multiprocessor model of parallelism has the following features: On a system running many different tasks, the shared model provides better cooperation in the use of available resources. If you use -mt on the link line without one of the compiler parallelization options then you will get the shared model. If you do not specify any of the compiler parallelization options or -mt on the link line then your code will not use multiple processors.

If you would like to use multiple processors then add -mt to the link line and then specify the number of processors at run-time with the PARALLEL environment variable. For example, to use 24 processors, you could enter the commands shown below: For example, to use 12 processors, you could enter the commands shown below: Complex and double complex arguments are not considered scalars because they are not implemented as a scalar type by C. Second, arguments relating to workspace are not used in Sun Performance Library. Third, array indices are based at zero in conformance with C conventions rather than being based at one to conform to FORTRAN conventions.Arrays and scalars that will be used to return values are passed by reference. However, the calling program must use the FORTRAN 77 calling sequence. The use of INTERFACE implies that the subroutines will use the Fortran 90 calling sequence, and this is not the case. Call the subroutines in the same way that you would call any FORTRAN 77 subroutine.However, the calling sequence must follow these rules: The general form is the most common and most operations performed by the Sun Performance Library can be done on general arrays. In many cases, there also are subprograms that will work with the other forms of the arrays. For example, DGEMM will form the product of two general matrices and DTRMM will form the product of a triangular and a general matrix. The two types of storage that Sun Performance Library uses are banded storage and packed storage. Some of the subprograms that work with arrays stored normally have corresponding subprograms that take advantage of these special storage forms. For example, DGBMV will form the product of a general matrix in banded storage and a vector, and DTPMV will form the product of a triangular matrix in packed storage and a vector. See the discussion of array forms for examples.

The code to copyAn array is packed into a vector by storing sequentially column by column into the vector. Space for the diagonal elements is always reserved even if the values of the diagonal elements are known, for example in a unit diagonal matrix. See the discussion of array forms for examples. This code comes from the comment block of the LAPACK subroutine DTPTRI: Element Aij of a matrix A is stored in element A(I,J) of the corresponding array A. The general form is the most common form. A general matrix, because it is dense, has no special storage scheme. In a general banded matrix, however, the diagonal of the matrix is stored in the row below the upper diagonals. For example, the banded general matrix below can be represented with banded storage as shown below. Elements shown with the symbol 5 are never accessed by subprograms that process banded arrays. Elements shown with the symbol 5 are never accessed by subprograms that process banded arrays. The contents of the other elements in the array are assumed and those array elements are never accessed by subprograms that process symmetric or Hermitian arrays. The imaginary elements on the main diagonal of a Hermitian matrix are assumed to be zero on entry to a subroutine. Elements shown with the symbol 5 are never accessed by subprograms that process banded arrays. It is stored using three 1-dimensional arrays. Comments on these web pages and the development of GCC are welcome on our. All of our lists Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article isLast modified 2020-07-23. These tools, combined with Visual Studio and assorted libraries, are collectively known as PGI. You can use PVF to edit, compile, debug, optimize, and profile serial and parallel applications for x64 processor-basedNeither guide teaches the Fortran programming language.To fully understand this guide, you shouldYou need to be familiar with the basic commands available on your system.

For information on installing PVF,However, once you have thisThis guide contains theseIn this case, you mustZero or more of the preceding itemPGI 2017 is onlyFor example:Most of these processors areThe prefetch, SSE1, SSE2, SSE3, and AVXPGI 2017 is only available forTable 3 shows the range and approximate precision for Fortran real data types. Table 4 shows the alignment for different scalar data types. The alignments apply to all scalars, whether they are independent orInternally, the value of a logical variable is true if the least significant bitWhen the option -?Munixlogical is set, a logical variable with a non-zero value is true and with a zero value is false.The membersA union can have onlyThe data type of the union member to which data isFor example,In the next example, the union aligns on aFor example, since anThe TYPE statement begins a derived type data specificationFor example, the following would define a derived type ATTENDEE:Most options that are not explicitly set take theFor easy reference, the options areThe options are separated by categoryFor easy reference, the options are arranged in alphabetical order.These invocations are command-lines createdThese invocationsThe defaultKernel launching is blocked by default unless the async clause is used.This flag is required whenThe -?Bdynamic flag must be used when an executable is linked against a shared object built by the PGI compilers.Other libraries are dynamically linked to.When this option is used, the orderIn particular, the format of unformattedIf an array is an assumed size array, the bounds checking only applies toThe text of the error message includes the name of the array, the location where the error occurredThe number of active macro definitions is limited onlyIf the -?D option is notThe value must be either an integer or a character string. A macro defined in the compilerThese invocations areIn addition,If flags are all correct then the compilerNo compilation occurs.

When you use this option with -?v, in addition to the validDebuggers, includingThe -?gopt option instructs the compiler to include symbolic debugging information in the object file, and to generate optimized codeWhen used in combination with one or more additional options,You can use -?help in one of three ways: The syntax for this usage is this:The syntax for thisThe compiler searchesThe compiler uses two rules to locateSome optimizations are disabled, and onIt is not designed for normal floating point operation code support.Using -?L allows you to add directories to the search pathThe linker searches in addition to the standard libraries.The compiler prepends the characters lib to the libraryThe linker searches each library specified before searching theIf the executable is myprog.f, the map file is in when many private variablesMultiple processors or cores will be used to execute parallelizable loops. However, this option tells the compiler it is safe to parallelize the loop. For a given loop,Supports large TLBs on Linux and Windows.If the -?module option is present, and USE statements are present in a compiled program unit, then is searched for.mod intermediate files prior to a search in the default local directory.You specifyYou specify thisIgnores unknown command line switches after printing a warning message.This level performs all level-oneUse the -?o option to specify the filename of the compiler object file. The final output is theIf you do not specify the -?o option, the default filename is the linker output file The filename should not have a.f extension.This 80-bit real format is the default format, called the extended format. When values are loaded into the floating point stack they are automatically converted into extended real format.

The precisionIn this way, you can explicitly set the precision to standard IEEE double-precision using 64 bits,To alter the precision in a given program unit, the main program must be compiledThe command line option -?pc val lets the programmer set the compiler’s precision preference.Results can even change sign due to the sin curve being too close to an x-interceptTo maintain consistency in this case, you can assure that the compiler generates code that calls a function.Thus, even if the called function simply performs the inline expansion, usingThe other method of generating a function call for math routines, but one thatThe general case of copy propagation being performed follows this pattern:With this particular example, setting the -?pc switch will also adjust the result.Except when the -?Mnobuiltin switch is set in C, the function still produces the x86 machine instruction for computation, and arguments are passed onIf the file or pathname supplied is not a full pathname, theIf the file or pathname supplied is not a fullThis value mustCheck is the default,If you do this, the compiler assumes that you are specifying enough committed stack space; and therefore,By default, the compilerBy default, theIn particular,You can specifySpecifying two or more target processors enables unified binary code generation, where two orBy default, the PGI compiler uses all supported instructions wherever possibleThe compilersPGI unified binaries provide a low-overheadAt runtime, this one executable senses the environment and dynamically selectsFor example, the followingAn undefined symbol triggers loading of theAn undefined symbol triggersThese invocations are command linesOptions separated by commas are passedYou can use the -?W option to specify options for the assembler, compiler,Sometimes the compiler issues many warning in which you may have no interest.

These options are grouped according to categories and are listed with exact syntax, defaults, and notes concerning similarThis option is the default in the presenceThis option is useful for linkingThese sections can be read by the PGI profiler.Each option has a descriptionThis option supports large TLBs on Linux and Windows. This option must be used to compile the main routine to enable optimized malloc routines.The effect is to reduce the number of TLB entries required to execute a program.Use this suboption to limit the number of huge pages allocated to n. You can link in your own library with the -?l option or specify a library directory with theIf more than one option is on theUse -help -Mcuda toThe compiler does not ignore theThe compilerIf you compile and linkThe standard libraries areIf you compile and linkThe standard libraries are compiledEach option has a description and,You can use a comma-separated listFunctions of sizeThe default isFunctions from theAn unconstrained object is a data object thatThis optionIf -?Mconcur Possible values ofThis is disabled byThis is the default.The default isThe available suboptionsThe default is toSpecifying this suboption canThe option is oneIf n is notFor each vectorized loopThe compiler alsoThis option is enabled by default.The default isIf the size n is omitted,The default is nosse.You can use this option toFor arguments that you do not specify, the default miscellaneousImplies -?Mkeepasm.This information is useful when youThis option is useful for generatingRefer to -?Bdynamic. This flag was used to link with the DLL versions of the runtime libraries, and it was required when linking with any DLLHas affect only with the CREF callingHas affect only with the CREF calling convention. This option is not useful without eitherSpecify to get messages on nestedNormally, the assembler deletes this file whenThe listing file is filename.lst, where the name of the source file is filename.f.

When used without -def:deffile, passes the switch -def to the librarian without a deffile.In particular,This option is not useful without eitherThis is the default. This flag applies to building DLLs withIf you want to replace the default DllMain() routine with a custom DllMain(), use this flag and addThe latest version of the default DllMain() used by PGFORTRANThe PGFORTRAN-specific code in this routine must be incorporated into theThese directives override corresponding command-line options. For usageUse directives to tune selected routines or loops.For usage information such as the scope and relatedFor each loop the compiler decides whether to generate altcodeThe compilerThe alternate code is optimized for the case when the data referenced in the loop does not all fitSuch transformations may change the result of the computation due to roundoff error. TheThis directive enables the checking of array bounds when subscripted array references are performed.A nocncall directive cancels the effect of a previous cncall.The directive instructs the auto-parallelizer to enable auto-concurrentization of loops. When potential data dependencies exist, the compiler, by default, assumes that there is a data dependenceWhen examining data dependencies,Normally, the compiler removes certain invariant if constructs fromThe directive noinvarif directs the compiler not to move such constructs.The compiler determines whether the last values for loop iterationIn certain cases, the compiler must assume that the last valuesThe directive nolstval directs the compiler not toProblems are possible if a scalar is accessed outsideEssentially theAnalysis allows the compiler to determine if a scalar isAn example loop is:However, there are cases where a scalar may be privatizable.

If it is used afterExamine this loop:Here t is privatizable, but the use of t outside the loop may yield incorrect results since the compiler may not be able to detect on which iteration of the parallelizedWhen a scalar is used after the loop, but is not defined on every iteration of the loop,For more information about theseThe directive vector re-enables vectorization after a previous novector directive.The directive vintr is re-enablesThe directives vintr and novintr only apply if -?Mvect has been selected on the command line.If not specified, TKR rules are ignoredThese directives all take the form:In this fragment, the external name for sub1 is name1, for sub2 is name2, and for sub3 is name3.The standard Fortran calling convention is pass by reference.Often this attribute is used in conjunction with STDCALL, where STDCALL refers to an entire routine; then individual arguments are modified with REFERENCE.The standard Fortran calling convention is passThese declarations are the same onesThe equivalent byte information is word (4 byte),These standards must be followed to guarantee that compilers, application programs, and operatingThe conventions supported by the Fortran compiler implement the application binary interface (ABI) as defined in the AMD64 Software Conventions document. The 64-bit AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures provide a number of registers.This stack grows downward from high addresses.Registers rbx, rsp,Therefore, a called function must preserve these registers’Remaining registers are scratch. If a calling function wants to preserve such a register value acrossThe first four arguments are passed in registers. Integral and pointerFloating point argumentsRegisters are assigned using the argument’s ordinalFor example, if a function’s first argument is an integral type and its second argument isFloating point return values are returned in xmm0. Details are implementation dependent.

This register is initializedFunctions called during signal handling have no unusual restriction on their use of registers.Thus, programs and compilers may freely use all registers without danger of signal handlers changingThe return instructionFurther, the called functionThe size and type of the structure or unionA structure or union is returned in memory if it is larger than 8 bytes or if its size is 3,This address will also be returned in rax. The caller-allocated temporary memory used for arguments of aggregate type must be 16-byte aligned.For example, if a function’s first argumentArguments after the first four are passed on the stack; they are pushed onThe stack pointer, register rsp, is set by the operatingThe stack must grow downwards from high addresses.The C language uses a special method to accessThe register usageA logical expressionIn contrast,This length argument is a four-byte integer passed by value, and is passed at the end of theA length argument is passed for each CHARACTER argument; the length argumentsIf a Fortran function is declared to return a character value of constant length, for exampleThe caller provides space for the return value and passes the addressThe alternate return functionIf a Fortran. If a Fortran subroutine has alternate returns,Here is an example.A Fortran CHARACTERThe following example of calling a Fortran CHARACTER functionThese property pages are grouped into categoriesFurther, each of PVF’s property pages contains one or more properties,The set of categories and property pages available vary, depending on the type of project.

Options that are not supported by the PVF property pages can be added to the commandThis directory is where the project’s output filesThis directory is where the intermediateIf, for example, your main executable is built byYou can change the Startup Project by right-clickingOne common use of this property is to augmentFor example, if theTo do this, set the Accelerator Profiling propertyAll processes launched are local to the system on which the application is run.By default, the workingThe number of processesBy default, theThis category is further divided intoDo not use semi-colons to separate directories; the semi-colons are addedDo not use semi-colons to separate entries; the semi-colons are added automaticallySetting the name adds the -?o switch to the compilation line.Select the appropriate vectorization from these options:This property allows you to specify unrolling by two or four. Using this optionUsing this option adds the -?Mconcur option to the compilation line.Do not use semi-colons to separate directories; the semi-colons are addedDo not use semi-colons to separate definitions; the semi-colons are addedDo not use semi-colons to separate definitions; the semi-colons are addedPVF projects that build DLLs should linkThe dialect determines which PGI compiler driver isYou can select the FORTRAN 77 dialect at the project or file level.To extend the line length for these types of filesThis selection adds no additional sub-optionsThis selection adds no additionalThis selection adds no additional sub-options to -acc.This selection adds no additional sub-options to -acc.This selection adds no additional sub-options to -Mcuda.This selection adds no additional sub-options to -?Mcuda.This selection adds no additional sub-options to -?Mcuda.This selection adds no additional sub-options to -?Mcuda.This selection adds no additional sub-options to -?Mcuda.This is the default.

On x64 platforms, no trailing underscores are used with this option and this option also causes Fortran externalsThis select adds no additional sub-options toThis select adds no additionalCompilation does not stop but acceleratorThis is the default.For more information on this option, refer to Miscellaneous Controls.No is the default.No is the default.This description is based on the values of the propertiesUse this box when the option you need is notThis description is based on the values of the propertiesUse this box when the option you need is notThe Linker property page category is availableDo not use semi-colons to separate directories; the semi-colons are addedUse decimal notation. This. Leave this property blank to direct the linker to choose a default size for the stack.Use decimal notation. This property isThis property is only visible for DLL project types. If the name of a library contains a space, use double quotesThis value is based on the values of the properties set in theUse this box when the option you need is not available throughThe Librarian property pages are availableDo not use semi-colons to separate directories; the semi-colons are addedTo add libraries, use the Additional Dependencies property.

If the name of a library contains a space, use double quotesThis value is based on the values of the properties set in theTo add optionsBuild events include three typesThe contents of the Description property is echoed to the OutputCustom build steps can only be definedThis property is at the core of the custom buildThe contents of the Description property is echoed to the OutputDo not use semi-colons to separate directories; the semi-colons are added automaticallyUnless otherwise noted, macros thatThis section describes the Fortran moduleThe location of these files depends on your operating system version and the PGI releaseThese files are typically located in this directory:Here is a table summarizing how C types correspond with Fortran types for some ofTo utilize these modules, add the appropriate USE statement:To view the prototype and interfaces, look in the location described in Source Files.Table 22 lists the LIBM routines that are available. To view the prototype and interfaces, look in the location described in Source Files. These routines are not listed in this table because they resolve to FortranWhen targeting NVIDIATo view theIf the operating system supports a core dump, abort produces one that can be used forReturns 0 if successful. Returns 0 if successful. Returns the next byte or and integer Returns 0 if successful or an error. Intended for users compiling legacy code. Use DEALLOCATE for newer code. Returns 0 if successful, 1 otherwise. Returns 0 if successful, 1 otherwise. If the login name is not found, then NAME is filled with blanks. Returns TRUE if the specified unit is a terminal. Returns 0 if successful, -1 otherwise Intended for users compiling legacyIf the value is zero, the time in seconds from midnight is used. Provided for compatibilityYou can use modules supporting specific portions of the Win32To use this module, add the following line toFor example, to use user32.

lib, add the following FortranThese accommodations include:To provide the expected function signature forThese messages include the sign-on message and diagnosticThe compiler always displays any error messages, along with the erroneous sourceIf you specify the -?Mlist option, the compiler places any error messages in the listing file. You can also use the -?v option to display more information about the compiler, assembler, and linker invocations and about the host system. For moreFor furtherThe compilers display error messages in theThey can also display internalEach message also lists the line and column number where the error occurs.The severity may vary; if it is informative or warning, correct object code was probably generated,Regardless of the severity or cause, internal errors should be reported to the PGI F003 Unable to open listing file This message typically occurs when the user does not have write permission for the current working directory. If neither of these directories is available on the node on which the compiler is beingIf this error occurs at opt level 2, reducing the opt level to 1 may work around the problem. MovingIf this error occurs while compiling a subprogramF009 Unable to open assembly file This message typically occurs when the user does not have write permission for the current working directory. Remember that the file name should be enclosed inS020 Unrecognized compiler directive Refer to Directives Reference for list of allowed compiler directives.S022 Unexpected end of file - missing END statement The source file is missing and END statement, or the file is truncated. W024 CHARACTER or Hollerith constant truncated to fit data type A character or hollerith constant was converted to a data type that was not large enough to contain all of the charactersAs a general rule, all non-printing characters are treated as whiteIf for some reason, a non-printing characterA hexadecimal constant consists of digits 0.9 and letters A.F or a.

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