Bike Everywhere and Boycott BP

The BP, Halliburton, Transocean, MMS Gulf oil spill irks me beyond belief.  I'm now certain that being a liar and asshole is a prerequisite for running a large corporation.  That along with an ivy league diploma...   I see all the uproar about the spill throughout America and I wonder if things will actually end up changing, or will all our anger be wasted on BP? 

We should channel some of that anger into finding ways to reduce our dependence on oil.  Because that is the smoking gun at the bottom of this giant catastrophe.  Our giant addiction is the reason we're drilling for oil in 5000 ft of water.  The world consumes too much, conserves to little and it's going to really screw us over if it hasn't already. 

I try and do my part by riding my bicycle everywhere.  Lets not have just one bike to work day, everyday should be a bike to work day.  

Boycott BP